Three Happy Campers

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Going Home

Hello Everyone!

We wanted to share a few pictures of our travels back to Atlanta in April. We have been home now for a few weeks and have enjoyed catching up with everyone! How wonderful it was to see our children, parents, and other family and friends!!

We hope you are all safe and well. The last few months have been strange for sure. I recently saw a sign that said, “We are distant, but we are together.” That’s how we feel about you all. Being not only socially distanced, but many miles away during times of uncertainty causes us to treasure everyone we know and love all the more.

It was part of our original schedule to come home in May to vacation with our family. NOT part of the plan was coming home two weeks earlier than scheduled due to the closing of most businesses and state and national parks. Thankfully, national and state parks are reopening, and we are ready to be On the Road Again. (Insert Willie Nelson’s tune here.) 😄

We will update you soon on our upcoming destinations and adventures while heading out west! We love you all and pray you stay strong, safe and healthy,

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand. Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)

After three months on the road and away from home, Clay checks out the house.