Three Happy Campers

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All Over Oregon!

Hello Again!

We spent about three weeks in Oregon and have since moved to other states. We have a lot of catching up to do on blogging our travels! Many of our recent locations had no internet or cell service. While this creates an excellent environment for quality downtime and taking in an abundance of nature, it makes getting almost anything accomplished very difficult!

There is no mistaking Oregon's natural beauty; there are over 350 miles of the most beautiful beaches we've ever seen. And because Oregon has a similar climate zone as Italy and France, the state is literally blooming everywhere with lush greenery and massive flowers of all varieties. Flourishing foliage to the extent that Portland has been known as the City of Roses for more than 100 years.

Oregon also has an impressive population of sea lions along many beaches, which was a lot of fun to watch until we noticed that sea lions are mean! The males are especially territorial. In our video below, we've included a few rounds of King of the Mountain, as played out by the territorial male sea lions. No matter where we observed them, they constantly fight for space and bark aggressively each time another male sea lion comes too close.  

Our son, Curtis, met us in Portland the day after we arrived in Oregon. How happy we were to see him! After picking him up, we spent the day checking out the city. From our observation, it appears the City of Roses is overrun with thorns of all varieties and could use some pruning. Suffice to say it's the least inspiring and most depressing place we've seen in America. Oregon is beautiful, but this state has its share of challenges.

After Curtis left us, we went directly towards Craig's Aunt Polly's hometown, in Blodgett (population 58!). Aunt Polly is so full of energy, life, and fun. She's much like a real-life like Mary Poppins or Amelia Bedelia. It was great to see her! 

While here, we also stayed in the quaint town of Bend and visited Crater Lake National Park. After traveling south on Route 101 and staying in Newport and Coos Bay's coastal towns, we entered California to visit Redwood National Forest. We visited the forest but only stayed in California for three nights. The wildfires burning in the northern part of the state prevented us from going further south. This was disappointing for many reasons; we are so sorry for the human lives, wildlife and property lost, and other devastation out here due to the fires. We were also disappointed because we were looking forward to visiting our nephew, Colin, on our next stop. 

We'll share our pictures from the Redwood Forest and our alternate travel route in our next post, since traveling down the California coast is not an option. The smoke is widespread. We are out of the way of most of it now, but some days are worse than others as the winds continue to blow smoke throughout the west. Please keep all the folks out here in your prayers. We have met people who had to leave their homes due to the fires. We’ve had a unique opportunity to travel all over America while so much is going on in America. Keep our country in your prayers—such a beautiful place with so many wonderful people. 

As the time to head home is nearing, we increasingly appreciate every moment we are out here. Simultaneously, we are excited to return home in six weeks and be close to family and friends again! We think and talk about you all often! We hope you enjoy the pictures of all the natural beauty of Oregon. See you soon!! 💗